It is very possible that I may have put Ghostly Chords up for Pre-Order before I did the cover reveal on my own site. So I am here today to rectify this mistake!
I present to you all the very lovely cover of Ghostly Chords created by Tommy Arnold.
Tommy really knocked it out of the park, I wanted the cover to communicate 1920s and he captures it perfectly in Deryn’s dress on the cover. I love all the little details he put in with the diamond tiara, earrings and waist piece that makes the dress seem really functional. The violin’s bow covering the eyes is what gives the cover that lovely touch of mystery. And the smoke aura Deryn has; it really takes the cover and mystery up a notch.
What drew me to Tommy from the beginning was his strong use of earthy colors and I feel like he killed it with this. It is so easy for Science Fiction/Fantasy covers to go candy gloss colored, but Tommy always approaches every piece with such color restraint and lovely earthy tones.
Below is an early sketch for those interested!
The early sketch shows so much of what the final product would look like! Even though it lacks the details of the final, it still looks like a very solid art piece of its own right!
Ghostly Chords comes out Saturday, January 18th and is available for Pre-Order on Amazon and Kobo!
My sales pitch for the book is: Downton Abbey with Ghosts!
For a slightly longer description:
Set in a decadent Welsh countryside manor, two rival violinists and sisters, Deryn and Glyn, find themselves haunted by more than each other's sharp tongues.